Gambling Cheating Devices

Gambling cheating devices have long been used by crooks to manipulate games of chance in casinos. These gadgets come in many shapes and sizes, from high-tech laser scanners that can determine the speed of a roulette wheel to a simple magnet that can make a slot machine spin when it should be stopped. The card holdout may be the most popular gambling device. This device allows a player remove cards from a game and keep them until they are required at a later date. Other devices have included a daub cup, which is a small container that can be used to mark cards as they are being dealt and then pinned inside a shirt sleeve for easy access.

A group of criminals known as the Piano Wire Gang used this device in Connecticut tribal casinos to cheat slot machines. The piano wires could be used to jam an internal clock that measures the rotation of the reels. This allowed the criminals manipulate the outcome. The scam was successful until the criminals got greedy and tried to cash out a $50,000 jackpot, which immediately attracted attention from security.

The poker scanning cameras, which were often hidden inside a power bank or leather belt, are another high-tech cheating device. This device would scan the barcode of a marked card and feed it into an analyser. Although this type of device is still found today, it’s less common because more advanced technologies are available to prevent it.

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